Ace Your College Application

Ace Your College Application

The first thing you need to do is take the same holistic view of your application that the school’s admissions committee will take. Inventory your strengths and weaknesses and determine their priorities. You have limited space and can’t afford to take a “shot gun” approach by trying to cover everything....
Streamline Your Operations for Long-term Growth
Higher Education

Streamline Your Operations for Long-term Growth

Higher education can be businesslike without assuming all of the trappings of an intensely competitive business model. The time is now to streamline operations and organizations to facilitate long-term growth potential. The Compass Business Performance Improvement Consultation is designed to assess the attributes and features of a higher education institution...
The Vanishing American Dream
Higher Education

The Vanishing American Dream

Barack Obama is fond of saying that the American dream is alive and well and that he is living proof of it.  He came from humble beginnings and is now President.  His wife reiterated this theme in a recent article in USA Weekend.   Paying tribute to her parents, she wrote,...
What Are Call Center Careers

What Are Call Center Careers

At Call Center Careers, we've been helping both job candidates and employers fulfill their needs since 1999, giving us a comprehensive understanding of the call center industry and the ability to help those who use our services reach satisfying solutions. Whether you're a job candidate looking for a customer service...
Cyber Crime Network

Cyber Crime Network

Today, the internet or computer is being used in almost every field and people's dependence on it is also increasing continuously, but some people have also started using them unnecessarily. Hackers easily take away the account and important data of others. Although in the early days, the Internet was being used...
Online Schools Courses and Programs

Online Schools Courses and Programs

Online Schools, Are they a part of your future? Congratulations. You have made a decision to continue your education by getting an online degree from one of the many online schools offering degree programs. You have seen the ads in newspapers and magazines and all over the World Wide Web promoting every imaginable online school's courses and program and they are all available on line. That works for you because you do not have the time or money, or both, and you have always wanted to complete your education. Your first step should be to determine which course of study you wish to follow through by selecting your online school program. Talking to friends and family about your educational goals is a good idea but if you want to really explore your options and choose from a variety of online schools that are suited to you and your capabilities then find an expert who can help you out. Career professionals are one choice as well as employment counselors and if you know one, a college or university professor. Once you know your goal you can make a plan to make it a reality.There are many online schools to consider, one might be the University of Phoenix online degree program. They provide a wealth of information about online schools and distance learning on the basic requirements for admission and how their online programs operate. The basic requirements to get into an online school's degree program at the University of Phoenix are that students must be at least 23 years old, possess a high school diploma or equivalent, and be employed. You have to complete an assessment and in order to enter the online school's degree programs; students must have a minimum of 30 transferable credits from a regionally accredited institution. You can enroll whenever you want throughout the year and there are no traditional semesters. You can begin a course of study any month of the year, with classes starting every 4-6 weeks. Online Schools often limit class size to 8-13 students to ensure maximum interaction with the professor and between students. You are expected to log on to the class site five out of every seven days and each class shares its own group mailbox, which serves as an "electronic classroom." On the first day of the week, the instructor sends introductory information on the week's topic and confirms the assignments, such as reading from the textbook, completing a case study, or preparing a paper on the topic you're studying. The instructor also posts a short lecture or elaborates on the material, and provides discussion questions related to the topic. Online Schools and their Schedules: During the week you work and study on your own. There is a computer conferencing system that allows for class discussion and you can always e-mail your instructor if you get stuck. When you complete an assignment you e-mail them to your teacher who grades them and returns them to you with their comments....
The Best Online Universities Are Accredited

The Best Online Universities Are Accredited

Attending an accredited college or university ensures that you are learning from an institution that has met a strict set of guidelines and standards. Accredited schools must comply with certain requirements and must keep their qualifications current. Courses and credits from accredited online colleges are more likely to be transferable....
Spain Holds First National Congress on Homeschooling

Spain Holds First National Congress on Homeschooling

“A great success!” That’s how homeschooling mother of 10 Arantza Diez-Zearsolo described the first national congress on homeschooling held in her native country of Spain from October 22–23, 2010. The conference brought together a wide array of speakers including scholars from a number of Spanish universities, regional education officials, and homeschool support group leaders who shared their expertise in four separate panel discussions over two days. Roundtable discussions also highlighted the experience of veteran homeschool parents, such as Diez-Zearsolo. “Homeschooling is beginning to gain momentum and arouse interest in Spain,” Diez-Zearsolo explains. She gave a moving account of the realities of homeschooling in Spain, motivating current homeschoolers in the audience. During the conference, Spanish homeschoolers developed 10 fundamental points on homeschooling and the family. Attendees affirmed a parent’s right to choose the best form of education for a child and rejected attempts by the state to “usurp” the natural role of the family in education. Supporters of homeschooling are not “attack the public schools.” Instead, they say homeschooling will help by giving parents more options and saving system resources for programs to help students. Conference attendees called on the Spanish government to officially recognize homeschooling as a valid educational option and to refrain from penalizing parents who choose to exercise their right to direct the education of their children. The Spanish Constitution and education laws lend themselves to a favorable view of homeschooling. Article 27 of the constitution states it is the right of parents to have their children receive “religious and moral formation in keeping with their own convictions.” Yet many homeschooled families encounter trouble from local authorities. More than 500 families were homeschooled in the Valencia region of Spain, where the first national congress took place. Many in the homeschool community would like to see a good homeschool law passed to better protect the rights of parents. The Spanish daily paper Las Provincias reports that homeschooling is “booming” in Spain and has attracted families from across the strata of Spanish society. In recent years, the positive homeschool experience in other European countries and the United States, as well as concern about growing secularization, has caused thousands of Spaniards to consider educating their children at home....
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